This is a one-owner product that was self-possessed with a paradigm trigger. As you can see in the picture, you can see that it is shifted upward.It looks like its out of the body.Its the only product. After opening it, keep it in a sleeve + magnet loader!We will ship it carefully in the same condition when we ship it. Im an amateur, but I dont see any noticeable scratches. As it is kept by amateurs, we only sell it to those who understand it.
パラダイムトリガー にて自引きしたワンオーナー品です。
This is a one-owner product that was self-possessed with a paradigm trigger.
As you can see in the picture, you can see that it is shifted upward.It looks like its out of the body.Its the only product.
After opening it, keep it in a sleeve + magnet loader!We will ship it carefully in the same condition when we ship it.
Im an amateur, but I dont see any noticeable scratches.
As it is kept by amateurs, we only sell it to those who understand it.
#ポケカ #パラダイムトリガー #ルギア
#ルギアv #スペシャルアート #ポケモン
#ポケモンカード #エラー品 #ルギアエラー
#幽体離脱 #影分身 #エアロダイブ
#魂抜け #ピカチュウ #sr #sa
#ポケモンセンター #エラーカード #唯一無二
#超レア #レアカード #リザードン
#伝説のポケモン #Pokémon #Lugia #SpecialArt
#paradigmtrigger #洛奇亚 #루기아 #error #Oneandonly #ヒカル #ヒカキン #トレカ
#トレーディングカードゲーム #25周年